Buckeye TV Everywhere: A Brief Look at the Timeline of Streaming Services

For those unaware, Buckeye TV Everywhere is an awesome avenue for users to enjoy nearly all of their favorite shows, movies, sports, and more when they're on the go. The majority of customers simply need a connection to the internet and one of their favorite handheld electronic devices in order to stream this content. This might make one wonder where and how streaming services began and how they've evolved over the years. Let's take a look at the history of cascading content from experts in the media industry.
Brief Intro
Some of us might recall the days when streaming movies or music often meant waiting hours online for chosen content to download using the old-school dial-up internet method. We also may remember that weird screeching noise our computers made when connecting to the internet and that usually took a few minutes rather than today's nearly instantaneous interactions.
Fast-forward to using today's technology, and users get access to favorite content in a matter of moments. So without any further ado, let's look at a few highlights on how things have unfolded in the wonderful world of streaming entertainment online.
JUNE 1993: When it comes to music, the first streaming event featured a relatively unknown band Severe Tire Damage. Perhaps their biggest claim to fame after their breakthrough on the internet was during a brief scene from the movie Mrs. Doubtfire when Robin William's character pretended to be a vocalist for the band.
SEPTEMBER 1996: Sports channel ESPN streamed radio coverage of a baseball game between the New York Yankees and the Seattle Mariners. For trivia buffs, the Mariners bested the Yanks during the 1996 World Series playoff by a score of 6-5 in a tight game, but New York would go on to win the pennant.
APRIL 2005 and JANUARY 2007: Two of the biggest names in streaming services YouTube and Netflix launched in April 2005 and January 2007 respectively. Also in January 2007, the first iPhone was released allowing more access to these types of services in the palm of our hands.
APRIL 2010: Iconic American business magnate Steve Jobs announces his Apple devices will no longer support no-cost tunes, games, streaming content, or other services using Flash technology. Available at no charge from Adobe best known for their PDF tech also available for free for many users on various platforms shakes the streaming industry.
OCTOBER 2012: Australian daredevil Felix Baumgartner garners a record-breaking audience with over 8 million video views (and growing to nearly 50M today) on YouTube with his breathtaking free-fall parachute descent from the borders of outer space. Sponsored by Red Bull, the energy drink that "gives you wings," this high-flying filmed extravaganza and the streaming event was a real win-win for everyone involved.
Perhaps feeling the pinch from Steve Job's denial of Flash to millions of users, YouTube also pulled the plug on this service to their audience in January 2015. Meanwhile, in March 2015, A newcomer to the streaming service platform, Periscope raised their viewing platform for users of their subscription service to users. While it didn't really swim in terms of popularity, it still was a milestone in the industry.
2020 and the COVID-19 Effect: Obviously the spread of a global pandemic affected consumers and businesses in unforgettable and often unforgiving ways. However, for the streaming industries, 2020 brought more record-breaking user numbers to light. For example during this difficult time:
- The creation of new internet streaming events increased by 300% during this challenging time.
- Over one-third of online audiences were using streaming services to play games or interact on social media during the lockdown.
- Health and fitness videos rocketed by rising an amazing 1300% in 2020.
- The amount of time that live eLearning events appeared online grew by nearly 1000 minutes being streamed daily.
To learn more about streaming Buckeye TV Everywhere or any other options available to you and to enhance your entertainment package, please contact us today. We're always looking forward to hearing from you and here to help with any of your questions, comments, or concerns. Whether you need help at your home, business, or by visiting one of our many locations, reach out to our team of qualified professionals who are always happy to offer their assistance.