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On Demand Brings Entertainment at Your Fingertips
See new movies 28 days or MORE before Netflix® or Redbox®. Watch primetime TV, hit shows and "On The House Movies" from networks like FX, MoviePlex and MGM HD for FREE. It’s all available instantly. Check menu listing/show description for specific pricing. Buckeye On Demand movies are available for as low as $2.99 per order.
On Demand New Releases & Trailers
Buckeye On Demand offers a constantly updating library of hit movies. Visit the trailers page to learn more about recently released and upcoming movies.
On Demand is a digital TV service that allows you to watch hundreds of TV shows and movies at your convenience. With the ability to rewind, fast forward, and rewatch your favorite films as many times as you’d like, On Demand can easily meet your viewing needs.
On Demand has various movie options available. Movies are constantly released on On Demand, where you can see your favorite movies up to a month earlier than Netflix or Redbox.